Articles in winter (2)

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Have you ever been captivated by the enchanting beauty and intoxicating fragrance of jasmine flowers? These delicate blooms have an irresistible allure, drawing us in with their ethereal charm. Whether adorning trellises, gardens, or even our favourite perfumes, jasmine holds a special place in our hearts. When it comes to the lifecycle of jasmine, one question often arises: Is jasmine a perennial?

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Confederate Jasmine, aka, star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) is a jasmine plant belonging to the family Apocynaceae, different form other jasmine species belonging to the family Oleaceae. Star jasmine is an everlasting climbing perennial vine with a beautiful dark green foliage and silky, waxy and white flowers that fill the environment with a potent scent. One of the main characteristics of this jasmine specie is that, it needs warm and humid tropical weather zones to thrive. Reason why, it is definitely a sensitive plant to care for during the winter and freezing times. When growing star jasmine, (another jasmine types as well, except for winter jasmine species), we need to take special measures to ensure the survival of our plant throughout the winter, otherwise, it is likely that it will suffer and die. Therefore, if we are willing to apply those skills and go thorough the trouble we’ll be able to maintain and grow our jasmine during the winter. Some of these techniques may involve, but not limited to, bringing our star jasmine plant back indoors during the winter time, exposing the plant outdoors for a couple fo hours before the first frosts, so that, we keep them acclimatised and definitely we need to always provide our star jasmine with enough light through the winter, even if this implies supplying artificial fluorescent light, if we are facing some dark days during the cold season.

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